Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stephen Strasburg Pitching Machine

We're all wondering what the phenom is going to do. I mean when you hurl like that what else is in store? You're definitely going to face some serious competition. Who isn't facing competition is what sports is all about. Stephen Strasburg, plays baseball with a purity that only comes to natural athletes. What can we do at that point? Baseball and pitching are two of the hardest things to do in the world. If you could do one thing and do it well then you might understand what someone like Stephen Strasburg feels like. He just steps up to the plate and throws fireballs at batters. We'd all like to be able to do something with ease. To have the awe and envy of others simply for being born with an ability.

Stephen Strasburg is that person, except that he had to work really, really hard to go from throwing high 80 low 90 mile an hour fasballs to throwing 100 plus miles an hours. Lifting weights and doing various exercises for hours and hours until your muscles ache and burn and you don't think you could do another moment. Other than that he's done nothing to be great at what he does. Well, he's also watched thousands of hours of footage on other pictures and then spent hundreds of hours perfecting his mechanics but other than that all he does is watch video games and play movies or, er, vice versa.

Sure some people are born with a natural talent but if they end up well known then they did more with their talent, they put in some hard work. Stephen Strasburg has one of the best arms baseball has ever seen. He throws fast, really fast. But that doesn't mean he is where he wants to be. It doesn't mean he's ready to mow down major league pitchers. But he might be, and he could be ready to really do something if he's willing to learn what he can do and how to do it. That means work. He may not be ready for work.

All of us need to be ready for him to fail or succeed as luck and his will would have it. But watching one with so much talent is amazing in itself. Because talent is so rare but persistence is even rarer. Let's hold on and see if Stephen is ready to take the stage as the greatest pitcher in Major League Baseball history or if he's going to just going to be another footnote. Only time will tell but until then join me in looking at something phenomenal, a pitching arm that throws a ball at one hundred plus miles an hour on a regular basis.

Baseball could use a special story about a hero who transcends the game, about a guy who seems like he was made by the gods to throw baseballs. I don't know if Stephen is that guy but he has a chance to be. What more could I, as a baseball fan, ask for?

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